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Arthroscopic Iliotibial Band Release

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical technique used in the treatment of sports medicine injuries. It involves the use of a fiber-optic camera, which we place into a joint through a small incision in order to visualize ligaments, cartilage, and soft tissue. Through another small incision, we can then use small instruments to remove or repair broken or damaged tissue.

Hip Arthroscopy

Medical illustration hip and pelvic bone

What is arthroscopic iliotibial band release?

Arthroscopic iliotibial band release is performed for patients who have an external snapping hip that has been unresolved with extensive physical therapy and IT band stretching program. The most common site where the external snapping hip syndrome occurs is at the point along the leg where the IT band lies over the greater trochanter of the femur. As the leg turns inwards and outwards, the tight IT band glides over the greater trochanter and makes a snapping noise. This can be a source of pain for patients and is often accompanied by trochanteric bursitis.

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